Category Archives: Health

Scientists identify hormone that blocks marijuana buzz

Scientists identify hormone that blocks marijuana buzz

Yellowj/ A steroid hormone identified by French researchers could allow people to take medicinal cannabis without the behavioral effects, and could also help people addicted to marijuana, according to a study published in the journal Science. A naturally occurring hormone acts as spontaneous defense in the brain against the high caused by marijuana and could be useful in preventing addiction, ...

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Blind Swedish woman regains sight after 13 years

Blind Swedish woman regains sight after 13 years

Purestock/Getty Images A Swedish woman who was blind discovered her sight was returning over the Christmas holiday and she will undergo further medical tests in the near future to monitor her progress. A Swedish woman who went blind 13 years ago miraculously regained her eyesight over the Christmas holidays. Ulla Sjoo went blind following a stroke. RELATED: BRITISH MODEL FIGHTS ...

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Funeral held for baby who died in forceps delivery

Funeral held for baby who died in forceps delivery

Olivia Marie Coats/Facebook Baby Olivia Marie died after five days on life support. A 5-day-old baby from Texas died after her skull and spine were cracked with forceps during delivery. Baby Olivia Marie died after five days on life support. Parents Rachel Melancon and fiance Allen Coats held a funeral for their little girl on Saturday. Melancon, who stands at ...

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Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Gregory Fischer The director of adult cardiothoracic anesthesia at Mount Sinai, Dr. Gregory Fischer specializes in taking care of patients who are undergoing heart and lung surgeries, including echocardiography. Eighty percent of his patients have mitral valve problems. WHO’S AT RISK The heart’s mitral valve doesn’t get a lot of attention from the public, but doctors estimate ...

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Super Slim Me! McDonald’s diet leads to weight LOSS for man

Super Slim Me! McDonald’s diet leads to weight LOSS for man

KCCI An after and Before picture of John Cisna, a science teacher at Colo Nesco school in Colo Iowa who did a McDonald’s diet for 90 days and actually lost 37 pounds. An Iowa science teacher actually supersized his weight loss by eating McDonald’s. That’s right, weight loss. RELATED: MCDONALD’S YANKS WEBSITE WARNING EMPLOYEES TO AVOID EATING FAST FOOD KCCI ...

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Queens Library group mulls cancer’s ifs, ands & butts

Queens Library group mulls cancer’s ifs, ands & butts

Queens Library Hillcrest resident Chander Iyer, who bravely wrote a book about his own battle with rectal cancer, was ready to lead a recent discussion about the topic at the Queens Library’s Pomonok branch but – unlike the group pictured – only one person showed up. Turns out it takes more than a support group with a catchy name to ...

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Vapor from e-cigs contains less nicotine, toxins than tobacco: study

Vapor from e-cigs contains less nicotine, toxins than tobacco: study

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images Public health experts are concerned that e-cigarettes may encourage more young people to smoke, but a new study finds that the secondhand effects of the vapor, at least, do not present the same health hazards as tobacco cigarettes. People standing near someone using an e-cigarette will be exposed to nicotine, but not to other chemicals found in ...

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AIDS researchers say they’re getting closer to cure

AIDS researchers say they’re getting closer to cure

Anna Rise/Getty Images/iStockphoto Scientists now believe surpressing the HIV/AIDS virus while bolstering the immune system is the best approach towards a potential cure. Scientists seeking a cure for AIDS say they have been inspired, not crushed, by a major setback in which two HIV positive patients believed to have been cured found the virus re-invading their bodies once more. True, ...

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Twins born in different years as clock strikes midnight

Twins born in different years as clock strikes midnight Yaleni Tohalino gave birth to a twin girl and boy minutes apart as the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve. That gave siblings Lorraine and Brandon two different birth years. These twins don’t share a birthday – or even a birth year. At least two sets of twins were born in different years Tuesday night as 2013 became ...

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Mothers may skip radiation to take care of kids: study

Mothers may skip radiation to take care of kids: study

Jorge Cabrera / Reuters Radiation treatments usually take up to an hour, five days a week, for up to seven weeks, the researchers said. Child care issues may keep breast cancer patients from getting the treatments they need, a new study suggests. Mothers with young children were more likely to skip recommended radiation treatments after breast cancer surgery because of ...

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