Category Archives: Health

Daily Checkup: Overeating during the holidays

Daily Checkup: Overeating during the holidays

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Chenguang Tao An instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai, Chenguang Tao is a primary-care doctor who treats patients for everything from aches and pains to chronic problems like heart disease and asthma. He says weight gain is common around the holidays. WHO’S AT RISK There’s no avoiding it: Diet-busting temptation is as much a part of the ...

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Y not swim at soon-to-open Arverne YMCA

Y not swim at soon-to-open Arverne YMCA

Christie M Farriella for New York Daily News YMCA President and CEO Jack Lund (l.) and Executive Director Rick Hopkins in the aquatic center in the new Rockaway YMCA in Arverne Jack Lund had no doubt the residents of Rockaway were looking forward to the opening of the new YMCA. But there is one recent image that sticks in his ...

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Sex sends people to ER twice a week

Sex sends people to ER twice a week

Discovery Fit & Health/Discovery Fit & Health Gregg is horrified after his girlfriend’s head goes straight through the wall during his first time having sex. He and several others recreated their sexual mishaps for the new TV series, ‘Sex Sent Me to the ER.’ Injuries from wild sex land people in the hospital twice a week, according to one doctor’s ...

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2,000 extra steps a day can benefit glucose intolerant: study

2,000 extra steps a day can benefit glucose intolerant: study

Michal Bednarek/ If you can work 2,000 extra steps into your day, you’ll decrease your chance that glucose intolerance will lead to heart problems, according to a study published in The Lancet. People with a glucose-tolerance problem – a driver of diabetes and cardiovascular disease – can cut the risk of heart attack or stroke by simply walking an additional ...

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Family wants Christmas with girl declared brain-dead after tonsils removal

Family wants Christmas with girl declared brain-dead after tonsils removal

Courtesy of KGO-TV Jahi McMath was declared brain dead last Thursday, three days after undergoing tonsil surgery at Children’s Hospital Oakland. She remains at the hospital on life support, even though its now considered a ‘coroner’s case,’ according to NBC. The family of a 13-year-old girl left brain-dead after tonsillectomy surgery want to celebrate Christmas with the teen in her ...

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Could aspirin help with anger management?

Could aspirin help with anger management?

BrandlMichaela/Getty Images/iStockphoto/Getty Images/iStockphoto Angry outbursts caused by intermittent explosive disorder are associated with higher levels of inflammation, a U.S. research team found. Aspirin could help people with rage issues chill out, a new study suggests. Scientists from the University of Chicago and the University of Colorado have found evidence linking angry outbursts caused by the psychiatric condition intermittent explosive disorder ...

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NY lawmaker hopes to invest $10M in marijuana

NY lawmaker hopes to invest $10M in marijuana

Leslie Barbaro/Newsday Westchester New York Assemblyman Steve Katz (R-99) is putting his money where his lungs are, joining forces with venture capitalists to raise $ 10 million for medical marijuana-related businesses. ALBANY — A New York state assemblyman from Westchester County who was charged with marijuana possession in March is now high on pot as an investment. Republican Steve Katz ...

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New gadget claims to stop wearers from dozing off

New gadget claims to stop wearers from dozing off

Courtesy of Rhyme Lou Wearing the Vigo on the road could help keep drivers from dozing off, its makers suggest. A new wearable device claims to be able to put an end to untimely sleepiness by measuring alertness and nudging the user awake if necessary. Vigo is a headset which uses an infrared sensor to track blinking patterns and eye ...

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The best self-help books to take into 2014

The best self-help books to take into 2014

Little, Brown and Company; Harper ‘David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants’ by Malcolm Gladwell and ‘Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence’ by Daniel Goleman Whether your plan for new year is to be happier, sharper or more empathetic, these top inspiration and personal development books from 2013 will help you succeed. David and Goliath Will ...

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Somalian refugee has face rebuilt in Texas

Somalian refugee has face rebuilt in Texas Mohamed Abdulle still has the fang marks from the snake attack on his face, but he can now close his mouth again and give a genuine grin. A Somalian refugee can truly smile again thanks to doctors in Texas. Mohamed Abdulle was bitten by a 12-foot snake at a camp near Somalia’s border with Kenya when he was just ...

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