Category Archives: Health

Essential tips for eating healthy on a budget

Essential tips for eating healthy on a budget

Tetra Images Take the thinking out of meal prep, suggests trainer Brett Hoebel: Find a few fast, healthy recipes for each meal of the day and keep the ingredients on hand. It’s time to put up or shut up. But that doesn’t mean you have to go for broke eating healthy. The myth that eating healthy is too costly is ...

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Controversial CrossFit mom gives birth to healthy baby boy

Controversial CrossFit mom gives birth to healthy baby boy

laxfitmomma via Instagram ‘I feel so fantastic I can’t believe I had a baby two days ago actually! Lol! Must be all that exercise I did,’ 35-year-old Lea-Ann Ellison wrote on Facebook. The CrossFit mom who caused a stir online by lifting heavy weights during the last few weeks of her pregnancy has given birth to a baby boy. And ...

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Daily Checkup: Lifestyle changes fight diabetes

Daily Checkup: Lifestyle changes fight diabetes

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. David Lam An instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. David Lam is an endocrinologist who specializes in treating patients with diabetes. Half of his practice is dedicated to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. WHO’S AT RISK Diabetes has been a mainstay of headline news for the past decade, with the International Diabetes Federation predicting that ...

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Exercise classes are team efforts in NYC fitness studios

Bryan Smith  Cycling classes become team sports at Swerve Studio. It takes a group effort to look this good. At the new Swerve cycling studio, fitness enthusiasts aren’t just pedaling their own pounds away — they’re carrying the weight of their entire team. The studio, which opened earlier this month, is arranged into three sections: blue, red and green. When ...

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One in 10 U.S. kids has ADHD

Wealan Pollard/Getty Images ADHD can lead to struggles in school for many children. Due in part to a growing awareness of the condition, the number of kids diagnosed with ADHD rose to 11% in 2011, up from 9.5% in 2007, CDC estimates show. The number of U.S. children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder continues to rise but may be leveling ...

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Better condom designs awarded $100k by Gates Foundation

Image Source/Getty Images/Image Source The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded 11 winners $ 100,000 to carry out their plans for a condom people will want to use. The next generation of condoms may soon roll out, thanks to a boost from Bill Gates. The tech icon’s Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a contest that challenged innovators to create ...

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New rule would ground pilots with sleep apnea

Andy Ryan/Getty Images Pilots with a high body mass index will need to be screened for sleep apnea before they are given medical certification to fly, the FAA announced. Plus-size pilots are getting a wake-up call from the Federal Aviation Administration, in the form of a new policy that would bar those with sleep apnea from flying. The airway-obstructing sleep ...

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Chef Art Smith’s healthy recipes for diabetes

Tracy Miller/New York Daily News Chef Art Smith and Dennis Kum, chef and owner of Big D’s Grub food truck, display Smith’s diabetes-friendly dish, Ginger Chicken Tacos, on the menu at Big D’s through December. If there’s one thing Art Smith has learned about healthy eating, it’s that nobody wants a chef to go hungry. “Being a chef, you’re constantly ...

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Spicy, salty snacks blamed for stomach problems in kids

ABC News Snack food makers are turning up the heat, and it may be to blame for severe stomach problems in children, doctors told ABC News. An appetite for spicy snack foods could land kids in the hospital with stomach complaints, some doctors warn. As many as five or six children come into her office each day with gastritis, Dr. ...

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Kids today run slower than their parents did, study finds

Rahi/AP Research featured at the American Heart Association’s annual conference on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, showed that on average, children 9 to 17 take 90 seconds longer to run a mile than their counterparts did 30 years ago. Above, boys participate in a 100-meter race  in Bangalore, India, in 2007.  Today’s kids can’t keep up with their parents. An analysis ...

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