A row reportedly broke out over some beer [GETTY]
Helen Williams, 44, flew into a rage after the man had gone to the shop to buy alcohol but found it closed, according to police reports.
She grabbed a ceramic squirrel and hit him over the head before using it to stab him in the shoulder and chest, the report said.
The wounded 41-year-old man ran to a neighbour’s home and called 911 after the alleged attack.
Officers noticed scratches on the man’s face and a large amount of blood smeared across his upper body and down his arms.
Deep cuts were on the man’s shoulder and chest, police said.
When questioned by police, Ms Williams claimed the man had fallen and cut himself, despite her hands and clothes also being covered in blood.
She denied the blood belonged to the wounded man, police said.
She was arrested by Police in Charleston, South Carolina and charged with criminal domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature.
The man was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Ms Williams was held at the Charleston County jail in lieu of $ 10,000 (£6,075) bail.
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