The ludicrous job title is, after all, for someone who works in a burger van.
It’s enough to make you fling your snack to the ground, where it could be cleaned up by the highway environmental hygienists – or road sweepers, in old money.
These are some of the examples of “jobbledygook”, ridiculous job titles dreamt up by talent delivery specialists – sorry, recruitment staff – at councils and businesses to make ordinary jobs sound much more impressive.
Recruitment expert Chris Smith said: “In today’s job market a receptionist is a guest services agent, a bin man is a sanitation engineer – the list goes on.
“We hear from candidates all the time about job titles which are wildly over the top.
“One was for a colour distribution technician – it was for a painter and decorator.
We hear from candidates all the time about job titles which are wildly over the top
“Another jobseeker contacted us after reading about a position for a field nourishment consultant”. It was for a waitress.
You may fondly remember your first job as a paper boy – but now your Daily Express is delivered every morning by a “media distribution officer”.
That summer job as a fruit-picker? Now carried out by a five-a-day collection operative. And if you were wondering what has become of the local window cleaner – well, he has now been rebranded a transparency enhancement facilitator.
A number of call centre employees grandly refer to themselves as communications executives, or even collection and recoveries credit services advisers.
Even the stalwart school dinner lady has become an education centre nourishment consultant. A list of overblown and ridiculous job titles has now been compiled by Mr Smith’s recruitment website,, to help jobseekers cut through the jargon.
He said: “We want to launch a campaign for plain English in the jobs market.
“Companies need to get real with their job titles and give jobseekers a chance of knowing exactly what job they’re applying for.
“Some of the euphemisms used are downright ridiculous.
“Being called a gastronomical hygiene engineer doesn’t stop the fact that you’ll be washing pots in a restaurant kitchen day after day.”
Top 10 most ridiculous job titles
1) Five-a-day collection operative (fruit picker)
2) Media distribution officer (paperboy)
3) Highway envirnmental hygenist (road sweeper)
4) Transparancy enhancement facilitator (window cleaner)
5) Talent delivery specialist (recruiter)
6)Brand champion (sales assistant)
7) Sanitation engineer (bin man)
8) Education centre nourishment consultant (dinner lady)
9) Public waste technician (toilet cleaner)
10) Mobile sustenance facilitator (burger van worker)