Corrupt Mexican cops lead authorities to mass cartel grave

Authorities have been finding mass graves like this one, unearthed in 2010 in central Mexico, since the Knights Templar cartel went to war with the New Generation syndicate over turf and trafficking routes.

Bernandino Hernandez/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Authorities have been finding mass graves like this one, unearthed in 2010 in central Mexico, since the Knights Templar cartel went to war with the New Generation syndicate over turf and trafficking routes.

MEXICO CITY — An official says investigators have dug up 18 bodies in western Mexico after questioning nearly two dozen police who say they were feeding information and victims to a drug gang.

The federal prosecutor’s official said Friday some of the bodies showed signs of torture and were buried in eight graves in La Barca, a town near a lake popular with tourists. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to the press.

The search began with the capture of 22 police officers who were suspects in the disappearances of two federal investigators. The official says exhumed bodies haven’t been identified, but the two agents aren’t among them.

The policemen confessed they work for the New Generation drug cartel, which fights the Knights Templar gang in the area.

La Barca, on the banks of Lake Chapala, is a popular vacation site. It lies on the border of Jalisco and Michoacan.

The latter state is controlled by the Knights Templar cartel, a quasi-religious syndicate that produces and trafficks huge amounts of marjuana and meth, as well as other drugs.

Nation / World – NY Daily News

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