Tag Archives: Well

Bruce Jenner doing well since split with Kris, says son Brody

Bruce Jenner doing well since split with Kris, says son Brody

Bruce Jenner may no longer have to keep up with the Kardashians after splitting with his wife, Kris, but he’s “doing great” and easing into the single life. That’s the verdict of his son Brody Jenner, who tells Confidenti@l his dad’s main concern is his ever-increasing mane. “He seems like he is doing great,” Brody told us. “Seems like better ...

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Well, that was quick: AMD solves R9 290 throttling problem with a new driver

Yesterday, we detailed how troubles with AMD’s R9 290′s fan profile could lead the GPU to return slower-than-expected performance under load. This was a problem that reportedly struck both reviewers and certain retail cards and left multiple sites pulling their recommendations on the R9 290. According to AMD, the problem was caused by improper fan settings on retail cards and ...

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