Tag Archives: Checkup

Daily Checkup: Adrenal nodules and cancer

Daily Checkup: Adrenal nodules and cancer

John Roca/New York Daily News Dr. William Inabnet is a specialist in endocrine and metabolic surgery. THE SPECIALIST: Dr. William Inabnet A professor of surgery at Mount Sinai, Dr. William Inabnet is an endocrine and metabolic surgeon who who has been in the field for 15 years. Through the Adrenal Center, he oversees the care of more than 400 patients ...

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Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Gregory Fischer The director of adult cardiothoracic anesthesia at Mount Sinai, Dr. Gregory Fischer specializes in taking care of patients who are undergoing heart and lung surgeries, including echocardiography. Eighty percent of his patients have mitral valve problems. WHO’S AT RISK The heart’s mitral valve doesn’t get a lot of attention from the public, but doctors estimate ...

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Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

Daily Checkup: When the mitral valve leaks

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Gregory Fischer The director of adult cardiothoracic anesthesia at Mount Sinai, Dr. Gregory Fischer specializes in taking care of patients who are undergoing heart and lung surgeries, including echocardiography. Eighty percent of his patients have mitral valve problems. WHO’S AT RISK The heart’s mitral valve doesn’t get a lot of attention from the public, but doctors estimate ...

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Daily Checkup for Sunday, Dec. 29: Women’s global health

Daily Checkup for Sunday, Dec. 29: Women’s global health

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Taraneh Shirazian The director of global women’s health at Mount Sinai, Taraneh Shirazian is a minimally-invasive gynecologic surgeon who specializes in problems like fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic pain. She also runs a nonprofit, Saving Mothers, that provides education and training for local health-care providers around the world. WHO’S AT RISK Although on average women worldwide live four ...

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Daily Checkup for Sunday, Dec. 29: Women’s global health

Daily Checkup for Sunday, Dec. 29: Women’s global health

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Taraneh Shirazian The director of global women’s health at Mount Sinai, Taraneh Shirazian is a minimally-invasive gynecologic surgeon who specializes in problems like fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic pain. She also runs a nonprofit, Saving Mothers, that provides education and training for local health-care providers around the world. WHO’S AT RISK Although on average women worldwide live four ...

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Daily Checkup: Overeating during the holidays

Daily Checkup: Overeating during the holidays

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Chenguang Tao An instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai, Chenguang Tao is a primary-care doctor who treats patients for everything from aches and pains to chronic problems like heart disease and asthma. He says weight gain is common around the holidays. WHO’S AT RISK There’s no avoiding it: Diet-busting temptation is as much a part of the ...

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Daily Checkup: Childhood growth problems

Daily Checkup: Childhood growth problems

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Robert Rapaport Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai, Dr. Robert Rapaport treats children for every kind of endocrine problem, from growth issues to diabetes to thyroid problems. The majority of his patients have growth problems. WHO’S AT RISK From the first months of a baby’s life, many parents start spouting weight and length measurements and growth percentiles. ...

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Daily Checkup: Aortic aneurysms explained by Dr. Allan Stewart

Daily Checkup: Aortic aneurysms explained by Dr. Allan Stewart

Dr. Allan Stewart, director of aortic surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Allan Stewart As the director of aortic surgery and co-director of the heart valve center at Mount Sinai, Allan Stewart is a cardiac surgeon who does all kinds of heart repairs. He performs about 300 heart valve surgeries a year. WHO’S AT RISK Aneurysms are balloon-like ...

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Daily Checkup: Lifestyle changes fight diabetes

Daily Checkup: Lifestyle changes fight diabetes

THE SPECIALIST: Dr. David Lam An instructor of medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. David Lam is an endocrinologist who specializes in treating patients with diabetes. Half of his practice is dedicated to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. WHO’S AT RISK Diabetes has been a mainstay of headline news for the past decade, with the International Diabetes Federation predicting that ...

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Daily Checkup: Beating lung cancer

Susan Watts/New York Daily News Dr. Raja Flores says, “Only 15% of lung cancer patients are nonsmokers.” THE SPECIALIST: Dr. Raja Flores As the chief of thoracic surgery at Mount Sinai, Dr. Raja Flores performs 300 to 400 lung cancer surgeries a year. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. WHO’S AT RISK Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in ...

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